The Latest Bits from Hill City Hardwoods
Collection of random wood-related photos.
HCH may still be closed (open on 1/22) but that doesn't mean I've stopped thinking about woodworking. Paid a visit to a woodworker in Sasebo Japan who I first met 11 years ago. Back then he gave me a chisel, a z-saw, and some dvds. Today I was able to return the favor with some @lienielsentoolworks love.
Make sure to check out his social media (yunoki2244) and his website ( where you can purchase tools to be shipped to the US.
I have some tool and shop videos I'll share later.
Also check out my badass @dandh_handmade Japanese selvedge denim hat.
Just a reminder that the shop is currently closed. Doors should be open again on 1/22. Happy New Year everyone!

If you ever wondered how fast heat rises....
Too fast.
HCH schedule reminder!
The shop will be closed from 12/25 through 1/19 so plan accordingly. Realistically, it'll be the 22nd before I'm back in the shop.
After talking about it for years, I finally set aside some time to build the bookshelves in the shop. Now comes the hard part - sorting, organizing, and shelving the hundreds and hundreds of books and magazines I have. The world largest woodworking library is on the way.
HCH schedule reminder!
The shop will be closed from 12/25 through 1/19 so plan accordingly.
When you need to build several exact scale models of the Gutenberg press, why not do it in ribbon stripe sapele?
Local woodworker, Sam Maddox is building these as a custom commission for a client. Lumber from HCH.
HCH schedule reminder!
The shop will be closed from 12/25 through 1/19 so plan accordingly.
If you've been to the shop recently, you may have met Kelsey and seen the dining room table she was working on. Well, she finished it and it is now at her home keeping the family's dinner plates up off the floor. Not bad for her first project.
HCH schedule info!
The shop will be closed from 12/25 through 1/19 so plan accordingly.

You never know who's gonna drop by for some lumber. Unfortunately I'm not typically open at 3am.
Putting the ol Hyster to the test.
When the warehouse guys dead stack your lumber on top of your plywood, all 4800lbs comes off the truck at once. Good thing the lift is rated for 5000lbs. No problem.
Don't forget, there's a Woodworkers Guild meeting at HCH, tomorrow (11/1) evening at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.
Guild Meeting this week!
From Matt Miller
The evenings are getting cool and night is coming more quickly – that means its time for the October meeting! I’ve had some travel conflicts this month so we’ve moved the meeting to November. The October CVA Woodworker’s Guild meeting will be held at Hill City Hardwoods on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. (Randy has a conflict with the normal Thursday evening so we’re meeting on a Wednesday)
Kevin Martin will host the meeting – he recently obtained a Panto-Router and has some run-time with it. This will be Panto-Router 101 – he’ll bring the machine and a selection of sample joints.
Meeting times are typical so plan to show up around 7PM with meeting start at 7:30PM.
Open to everyone!!
I've bragged on these guys before, here's one more.
I needed 200 #6 x 5/8" panhead screws. Dropped by Valley Fasteners on Campbell Ave to see if they had them. Yep, and the grand total was $4.11.
Try them first before you head to the big box store.
Finally getting in some southern yellow pine again.
4/4 x 12" and 8/4 x 8" just arrived. Most of the 4/4 is spoken for but I'll be getting more.
Also bringing back some 4/4 hickory in both FAS and rustic.
Keep the date open - November 1st. Guild meeting at HCH. More info coming soon.
I can feel it in the air - fall is coming.
It isn't the temperature drop that let's me know summer is ending. It's the fact that people are getting back into their woodshops. Lumber orders are ramping back up.
Yesterday was a refill on walnut and cherry. Some beautiful, wide, 8/4 cherry was in the pack. Here's what's crazy - cherry prices dropped significantly. They are now lower than when I started selling lumber 10 years ago!
I also have a bit of import plywood on hand. 18mm import birch unfinished and prefinished 1 side, 15mm import birch unfinished that can be used for drawer boxes, and some 12mm prefinished 1 side.
Great news!!
Got in some hard maple (4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 8/4) and red oak (4/4). Everything went down in price! Hard maple is within 35 cents of the price in the before-times.
When you're heading into the first day of your senior year in college and you pick out your best outfit.
Hey @ecwalker8, have a great day. I love you, man.
When the big dogs get together for an invite-only, Chicken & Beer event, there's always much inspiration and education (and some foolishness). The amount of skill and talent standing around in that shop is unsurpassed and I feel privileged to be there.
Hey @ryanson8 and @kerschbamerwoodworking, you gotta make the next one.
It's good to be king.
Reminder: Guild meeting tomorrow night @vectorspacehq
Two items:
1). HCH will be closed this Thursday (8/17) through Sunday (8/20). Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause
2). Upcoming Guild meeting. Per guild president, Matt Miller
Hope everyone has had a nice summer as we head to “back to school” here in the area. The August CVA Woodworker’s Guild meeting will be held at the “new” Vector Space on Thursday August 24, 2023. Meeting times are typical so plan to show up around 7PM with meeting start at 7:30PM. Elise Spontarelli will host us, touring the new woodshop and space. In addition, Vector Space recently completed a workshop to “build an canoe in a week” for 14-17yr old teens – we’ll have one of the participants to show his canoe and talk about the workshop.
The Vector Space address is:
2004 Memorial Ave, Lynchburg, VA 24501
Everyone is welcome to attend - Guild membership not required.
Hope to see you on the 24th!
Hey woodworkers and contractors!
If you need a fair amount of S4S stock, touch base with me. I can check with my suppliers for availability. This is 1300 linear feet of 1x4 poplar. Much less expensive than the big box stores and the quality is probably better and more consistent. Each of these 12ft boards is $5 less than an 8ft board at the blue box.